Keep Your Pet’s Eyes Clean
Keep a box of pet eye wipes handy. Wiping away any crust or debris helps clear bacteria or fungi breeding in the eye area.
Keep Hair Short Around the Eyes
Long fur around your pet’s eyes can lead to irritation and even injury. Keep hair short around the eyes to protect your pet from pokes and scratches.
Don’t Let Your Pet Stick Its Head out of Your Car Window
The wind can cause your pet to have dry, irritated eyes. Additionally, their eyes will be at risk of damage from flying debris or insects.
Learn About Hereditary Eye Problems
Some breeds are susceptible to developing eye problems over time. Check to see if your breed is predisposed to any underlying eye issues.
Don’t Ignore Signs of an Eye Issue or Injury
Look out for signs of an eye issue: bumping into objects, hesitation in new places, unwillingness to use the stairs, pawing at the face, cloudiness, or red, puffy, swollen eyes.
Get Your Pet’s Eyes Checked
Not all eye problems are easily noticeable. Be sure to get your pet’s eyes checked regularly by a veterinarian. Early detection is key to maintaining your pet’s vision health.
Provide a Supplement for Vision Health
A high-quality vision supplement is an important step in supporting ocular health. Ocu-GLO® is the #1 Veterinary Recommended Vision Supplement Brand in the world! To learn more, visit