How to Strengthen the Bond with Your Pet

Have you adopted a rescued animal into your home but can’t seem to connect with him/her? Does your new cat hide a lot? Does your new dog seem sad and refuse to eat? Does your new bunny look anxious? Does your pet bird refuse to make eye contact? These are just some of the signs that a pet is experiencing trouble settling in and bonding with a new family.

What can you do to break through that layer of distance and form a strong and lasting bond? An animal communication session can help identify what is bothering your pet emotionally, mentally, physically, and even spiritually, and what is preventing him/her from being at ease and connecting with you. In many cases, these animals come from situations where they were not kept in the company of people very much (e.g., animals used for breeding) and do not naturally feel at home doing so. Others have come from situations of abuse and trauma and need a lot of time to decompress, heal, and renew their sense of self and comfort before they can form a new and trusting bond. In a pet reading, we can explore various approaches that the pet feels comfortable with, such as clarifications about boundaries to be respected, what helps them feel relaxed, and what they need to feel healthier (this could be a treatment or dietary change). Some pets “hear” their people talk about “getting rid of them” or “finding them a new home” because of behavioral issues. This needs to be corrected in a dialogue in order for the pet to move forward in the healing process and to modify behavior and perspectives. This is a two-way street, however, and what the pet expresses as a need must be met by the family members to the best of their ability.

Another helpful approach is to provide energy work to heal the nervous system and any physical issues with Reiki sessions (or other healing modalities). This can be done remotely or in person by an animal Reiki practitioner.

Another effective bonding approach is Tellington Touch (TTouch), in which the person does very gentle and non-invasive spiral strokes along the animal’s spine to help calm the nervous system and heal at the cellular level. It is a highly bonding experience for both and can be done from a distance at first, with gradual close proximity over time.

The bonding experience with a new pet can be long and challenging, but with an open mind and receptivity to what the animal identifies as issues and expresses as needs, this distance can be removed and a beautiful bond can be created and sustained long-term.

Article by Julie Oliveira – Animal Communication Expert, Small Animal Massage Therapist, Animal Reiki Practitioner

Julie Oliveira communicates with animals and provides small animal massage therapy (including acupressure and reflexology) and animal Reiki. Since 2014, she has been facilitating connections between people and their animal companions, drawing on her background in homeopathy, herbalism, and Ayurveda. Her goal is to enhance the well-being of as many animals as possible at all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – and to advocate for animals and the natural world.

In her animal communication readings, Julie helps identify and resolve behavioral, emotional, and physical issues, and often assists in locating missing pets. These readings can also provide comfort and peace for those who have lost their beloved animal companions. Communicating with animals to discover their personalities, needs, thoughts, opinions, and humor brings great joy to Julie.

When not connecting with animals, Julie can be found gardening, hiking, dancing, and spending time with her own beloved animal family.